Forever Active

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Forever Active provides exercise and activity sessions for anyone over the age of 50 within Cambridgeshire. Sessions range from chair-based exercises, suitable for people with mobility problems, to activities and sports for the very active.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • there is proven correlation between exercise and improved quality of life


  • it is a group activity and a great way to meet new people
  • members frequently comment on the importance of the community and friendships that result from attending classes

‘I believe the Strength and Balance classes are helping me in the autumn of my life to remain strong and help my balance. The classes are also helping my wife, Jennifer. Through her world of dementia she benefits from the classes as the group are so welcoming and friendly.’ Archie & Jennifer

What to expect?

There are over 50 different sessions on offer from Forever Active, which cater for all ages over 50 and all abilities – including Functional Fitness and Walking Netball (which take place outside) to yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates.
Sessions range from chair based exercises, which are suitable for people with mobility problems, to classes for the very active.

There are even classes online if you can’t get out and about.

More information

Details of class times, dates and venues are here.

For extra information on spcific classes, click these links to our pages for Strength & Balance, Pre-Ffit and Re-Ffit

Forever Active classes can also be found in South Cambs and in Cambridge City.

You can try a class for free – and if you enjoy it, speak to the instructor about membership.

To attend classes, you will need to become a Forever Active member for a modest annual fee. You can join via this form.

How to contact

Where to go

Mandeville Hall
Tan House Lane
CB25 0AH

Community Room
Ely Library
The Cloisters

The Paradise Centre
Newnham Street

Little Thetford Village Hall
The Wytches
Little Thetford

Littel Downham Village Hall
Main Street
Little Downham

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