Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Resources

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Find non-judgemental and friendly support, resources and information for people of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller ethnicity throughout Cambridgeshire.

Health, Housing & Benefits:

Cambridgeshire County Council’s Traveller Team can help with a wide range of issues. They are a team of three people who have worked with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people for over fifteen years and will understand the challenges you may be facing. Whatever you need, you’ll be treated with respect. This team is part of the Communities Service and managed by Ruth Walters, Integration & Cohesion, Strategies & Partnership Directorate – you can contact Ruth via [email protected]

If you need help to access appropriate health care, health benefits (DLA, PIP & AA), information, advice or support, you can contact Terri-Lee on 07535 875316 or by emailing [email protected]

If you need advice about housing or benefits, you can contact Kelly on 07799 581276 or by emailing [email protected]

There are free community support & advice drop-in sessions throughout the county, where you can get information and advice about a range of issues including benefits & housing. Other professionals may also be there, from Community Matrons who can support your health needs to Targeted Support who can help with schools and education. Contact the person running each session below to find out more:

  • Monday (10am – 1pm) – Oasis Community Centre, Wisbech, PE13 3NR – call or email Rose for details (see below).
  • Wednesday (10am to 12noon) – All Saints’ Church Hall, High Street, Cottenham, CB24 8SA – call or email Kelly for details (see above).
  • Friday (10am to 12noon) – Brown’s Field Community Centre, 31a Green End Road, Cambridge, CB4 IRU – call Jo Chisholm at Cambridge City Council on 07704 019537.

Skills Training:

Rose Wilson supports Adult Education for Cambridgeshire County Council. If you’d like to gain qualifications, improve your literacy or numeracy skills, she can provide education support online, at home, at any of the drop-in locations or community venues.  She can help people gain CSCS cards & HGV driving licences working in partnership with learning providers across the county. Email [email protected] or call 07900 678291 for more information

Other support:

One Call Away was set up to prevent suicide and help Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people facing mental health challenges. You can call Caroline on 07748 or Mark on 07393 561735 or email them on [email protected]Click here for more information.

Friends, Families & Travellers advocates on behalf of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people. It can also provide advice on health, work and the law. Click here to find out more.

One Voice 4 Travellers is based in Wisbech and helps people facing hardship or need due to violence. You can call on 01954 430724 (leave a message with your contact info and someone will call you back) or email [email protected]

All of the support is free.

How to contact

Where to go

Available Throughout East Cambridgeshire District

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