The LGBTQ+ Liaison Officers (LO's) are specialist officers and staff who are there to support you with making a report to the police or afterwards during an investigation. They are there especially for people who identify as LGBTQ+.
How to contact
Where to go
Available across East Cambridgeshire District
What to expect
For emergencies, always dial 999. An LGBTQ+ Liaison Officer may not always be on hand immediately but will be allocated later if you mention it; it's important not to cause any delay to helping you in an emergency situation.
For non-emergencies call 101 & ask for a LGBTQ+ Liaison Officer - the call taker will locate an LO and have them contact you. Alternatively, email [email protected].
Finally, for non-urgent matters, you can also use the contact form on the force webpage & be sure to mention you would like to contact a LGBTQ+ LO so that you can receive the extra support available.
Our LGBTQ+ LO’s offer information, advice and support to LGBTQ+ victims and witnesses. They also offer relevant advice to other police staff and officers in the force. They have a crucial role in supporting investigators to ensure members of the LGBTQ+ community receive a fair and equal service.
More information
Cambridgeshire Constabulary have designated, trained liaison officers known as LGBTQ+ LO’s, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and the + for any other term or personal description, including allies for example.
Our LGBTQ+ LO’s work with the LGBTQ+ community to understand the issues they face and to build positive relationships. It’s hoped that these relationships encourage the reporting of transphobic, bi-phobic and homophobic incidents and overcome some of reasons this community may have been reluctant to engage with police in the past.
All services offered by LGBTQ+ Liaison Officers are completely free.
How to contact
Where to go
Available across East Cambridgeshire District