NHS CPFT Psychological Skills Service

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The Psychological Skills Service (PSS) is a service for people who experience significant difficulties with their mental health, whilst also managing to keep themselves safe and relatively well without significant support from services.

This film can help professionals and patients to understand a little more about the service. Melanie Staley, the team’s clinical psychologist talks about the origins, aims and content of the psychological skills service:



What to Expect

Referral to The Psychological Skills Service is initially via your GP who will arrange a further assessment by a mental health practitioner from the Primary Care Mental Health Service, either online or in person. Once you have been referred, a member of the team will contact you with a view to establishing the type of therapy and set of psychological skills which are going to be most useful for you and your specific set of challenges. Depending on the programme you are referred to, the number of sessions offered will vary and is usually in the range of 8 – 24.  These may take place in person, on-line or a combination of both, depending on the type of help deemed best for you.



More Information
The service’s own webpage has broader information about session content in their ‘What Does the PSS Offer’ dropdown section and also practical information, such as parking facilities and how to contact them in the event that you cannot attend, in their ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)’ drop down.

Other information for support on mental health can be found at Keep Your Head website

Other support that you can contact and refer yourself to (without a professional referral) can be found in the self referral section of the How Are You East Cambs Website : https://hayeastcambs.co.uk/find-support/mental-health-self-refer/

This service is free to access.

If you need support with your mental health, remember you can always reach out to your GP. If you need urgent help, please call the First Response Service on the NHS 111 helpline and select the mental health option.

How to contact

Where to go

Chesterton Medical Centre 35 Union Lane Cambridge CB4 1PX

Peterborough The Old Town Hall 17 Bridge Street Peterborough PE1 1HF

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